List of Magic methods in Python
In Python, special methods (also known as “magic methods” or “dunder methods” for their double underscores at the beginning and end) are used to implement and customize the behavior of built-in operations. These methods allow your objects to integrate more closely with the Python language. Here is a list of commonly used special methods:
Basic Customization
__new__(cls, […]): Called to create a new instance of the class.
__init__(self, […]): Called after the instance is created.
__del__(self): Called when the instance is about to be destroyed.
__repr__(self): Called by the repr() built-in to get the object’s string representation (for developers).
__str__(self): Called by the str() built-in and by the print function to get the object’s string representation (for end-users).
Comparison Methods
__lt__(self, other): Defines behavior for the less-than operator (<).
__le__(self, other): Defines behavior for the less-than-or-equal-to operator (<=).
__eq__(self, other): Defines behavior for the equality operator (==).
__ne__(self, other): Defines behavior for the inequality operator (!=).
__gt__(self, other): Defines behavior for the greater-than operator (>).
__ge__(self, other): Defines behavior for the greater-than-or-equal-to operator (>=).
Arithmetic Operators
__add__(self, other): Defines behavior for the addition operator (+).
__sub__(self, other): Defines behavior for the subtraction operator (-).
__mul__(self, other): Defines behavior for the multiplication operator (*).
__truediv__(self, other): Defines behavior for the division operator (/).
__floordiv__(self, other): Defines behavior for the floor division operator (//).
__mod__(self, other): Defines behavior for the modulo operator (%).
__pow__(self, other[, modulo]): Defines behavior for the exponentiation operator (**).
__lshift__(self, other): Defines behavior for the left bitwise shift operator («).
__rshift__(self, other): Defines behavior for the right bitwise shift operator (»).
__and__(self, other): Defines behavior for the bitwise AND operator (&).
__or__(self, other): Defines behavior for the bitwise OR operator (|).
__xor__(self, other): Defines behavior for the bitwise XOR operator (^).
Unary Operators and Functions
__pos__(self): Implements unary positive (e.g., +obj).
__neg__(self): Implements unary negative (e.g., -obj).
__abs__(self): Implements function abs().
__invert__(self): Implements bitwise inversion operator.
Type Conversion
__int__(self): Implements type conversion to int.
__float__(self): Implements type conversion to float.
__complex__(self): Implements type conversion to complex.
__bool__(self): Implements type conversion to bool.
Container Types
__len__(self): Implements the built-in function len().
__getitem__(self, key): Implements accessing an element (self[key]).
__setitem__(self, key, value): Implements setting an element (self[key] = value).
__delitem__(self, key): Implements deleting an element (del self[key]).
__iter__(self): Implements iteration over the container.
__reversed__(self): Implements reversed iteration.
__contains__(self, item): Implements the in operator.
Context Managers
enter(self): Enters a runtime context (with statement).
exit(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): Exits a runtime context.
Other Special Methods
__call__(self, […]): Allows an instance of a class to be called as a function.
__getattr__(self, name): Called when an attribute lookup has not found the attribute in the usual places.
__setattr__(self, name, value): Called when an attribute assignment is attempted.
__delattr__(self, name): Called when an attribute deletion is attempted.
__hash__(self): Implements function hash(). If eq is defined, hash must be explicitly defined as well.
__copy__(self): Implements shallow copy for the copy module.
__deepcopy__(self, memo): Implements deep copy for the copy module.
These methods allow your objects to mimic and behave like built-in types, making your code more intuitive and Pythonic. However, it’s important to implement them correctly to avoid unexpected behavior.