

If you have build an API first product, then you would have faced the situation where your clients are sending their api-key in the request header and you use these sent api-keys to authenticate the client requests and track their consumption. This scheme works well when your clients use such APIs in their backend services, where these api-keys are hidden from the rest of the world, until ofcourse they manage to leak them. But usually no additional measures are needed to secure the requests.

Now, imagine a scenario where your clients are using your APIs in a front-end application with which their users interact. There can be many such use cases, but to list a few:

  • you are providing llm QnA as a service, where users can send a prompt and your API responds with the answer generated by your service.
  • your api allows users to mint NFT, and tokens and your clients are blockchain b2c applications that allow their users to interact with blockchains.

In both the above cases, your client is a frontend web application running inside their users’ browsers. The api-key that gets sent in the request to your service is same for all your client’s users. Now, in this case any end user can easily exploit your service causing disruptions and financial losses.
Ok, But how?

Anyone (an end user of your client’s frontend web application) can use below steps to exploit your authentication and usage tracking:

  1. open the browsers network tab.
  2. make the api request to your service, by simply performing the frontend action (click, or page reload etc)
  3. right click on the request that you want to exploit and copy it as cURL.
  4. open postman, paste the copied request, and send.

Voilla! Now anyone can write a simple bot script make keeps making these cURL requests to your service with your client’s api-keys, and you will endup billing your clients for the usage. And the best part, its totally free for the attacker.

In the rest of the blog, I will tell you a simple approach using which you can avoid this scenario.


Now, since we understand the problem well lets look at a way to avoid this scenario. To secure the communication between our backend service and the api calls originating from the end-user’s browswer,
We will be using:

  1. basics of cryptography
  2. a particular handshake mechanism
  3. Broswer Cookies
  4. Redis for managing users’ sessions

Before we dive deep into the code, let me tell you the approach to solve this problem.

The idea is that every business request on the frontend has to be handled in a session on the backend.

  • For every business request originating on frontend we need to pass a requestId key in the header which is calculated based on the requestId key of the previous request.
  • For the first business request, its requestId is calculated using the sessionId returned by the session creation API from backend.
  • When backend receives a business request, it performs the below check:
    • Check if the api-key represents valid user in the database or using any authorization mechanism.
    • On passing the above check, it checks if the received request is in order of not, by:
      • calculates the next request’s sequence Id based on the value stored in the sessionId for this request’s client, in the Redis.
      • if the above calculated request sequence Id matches the incoming requestId in the request then, it serves the request with a valid response, else responds with an invalid request error.

Now, lets see this process in action with the help of some code snippets to make things more clear.

Part-1: Client side

Before making the first business API call, we need to establish a session between the server and the user’s browser.

Create_Session request and Business request creation and response handling
const MACHINE_ID = 'machineId'; //Cookie name to uniquely identify the client browser
const GLOBAL_SESSION_ID = 'globalSessionId';  //Cookie to store the session Id
const GLOBAL_REQUEST_ID = 'globalRequestId';  //Cookie to store the request Id

private async CreateSession(): Promise<string> {
let machineId = Cookies.get(MACHINE_ID);
if (!machineId) {
  Logger.log('setting machine id');
  machineId = uuidv4();
  Cookies.set(MACHINE_ID, machineId, { expires: 365 }); //set the cookie expiry to 1 year

const res = await'/auth/create_session', {
  machine_id: machineId,
}, {
  headers: {
    'x-api-key': this.config.apiKey,  // the api-key used by your client

const globalSessionId = ( as any).session_id;
Cookies.set(GLOBAL_SESSION_ID, globalSessionId);
return globalSessionId;

const apiService = {
  get: <T>(url: string, config?: AxiosRequestConfig): Promise<AxiosResponse<T>> =>
    instance.get<T>(url, config),
  post: <T>(url: string, data: any, config?: AxiosRequestConfig): Promise<AxiosResponse<T>> =><T>(url, data, config),
  // Add other HTTP methods as needed

private async getGlobalAuthIds() {
  let globalSessionId = Cookies.get(GLOBAL_SESSION_ID);
  if (!globalSessionId) {
    globalSessionId = await this.CreateSession();

  const globalRequestId = Cookies.get(GLOBAL_REQUEST_ID);
  const baseId = globalRequestId ?? globalSessionId;
  const latestRequestId = SHA256(baseId).toString();
  Logger.log(`baseId: ${baseId}`)
  Logger.log(`latest requestId: ${latestRequestId}`);
  return { globalSessionId, latestRequestId};

In the above code snippet, the important part is function getGlobalAuthIds(). This function is called as shown in the below code snippet, to create the business request’s header.

var { globalSessionId, latestRequestId } = await this.getGlobalAuthIds();
const head = {
  'x-api-key': this.config.apiKey,
  'x-session-id': globalSessionId,
  'x-request-id': latestRequestId,
  'Content-Type': 'application/json',

If you notice closely, the latestRequestId that is sent in the business request’s header as the x-request-id which the server will compare against to check if the request is in order or not. Lets dig a little deeper into the what is happening inside the function getGlobalAuthIds(). Primarily, we are using SHA256() encryption function on:

  • SessionId, for the first business request when the GLOBAL_REQUEST_ID cookie is not set.
  • Or, on the value store in GLOBAL_REQUEST_ID cookie for the subsequent requests.

On successful response from the server for the business request we upate/set the GLOBAL_REQUEST_ID cookie value with the calculated latestRequestId like below:

// on successfull server response
Cookies.set(GLOBAL_REQUEST_ID, latestRequestId);

Part-2: Server side

First thing that we do on the backend is to create an API endpoint to register a valid user’s session. Below is the sample code for this endpoint.

Create_Session API on the backend Server
async createChatSession(@Body() dto: MegamindSessionDto, @Req() request: any) {
  Logger.logMessage('request to create session received');
  try {
    const sessionId = createChatSession({
      clientId: dto.machine_id, //machine id representing the unique client browser
      userId: request.userId, // client's userid in your backend server corresponding to the api-key sent in the request
    return {
      session_id: sessionId,
  } catch (err) {
    throw new HttpException(err.message, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);

createChatSession(dto: ChatSessionDto): string {
  const sessionId = generateSHA256(dto.userId + dto.clientId +;
  RedisClient.client.SET(sessionId, sessionId, {
    EX: parseInt(configuration().SESSION_TIMEOUT),
  }); // set the sessionId key in Redis to represent the client's sessionId, with the initial value equivalent to the key
  return sessionId;

As you can notice, that sessionId is a variable which is a SHA256() of userId (represented by the your client’s api-key) and clientId (the enduser’s machineId, this is your client’s user). This sessionId is sent back in the response, so that browser can send it back in the subsequent business requests, needed to authenticate the user’s session.

Next piece in the backend server is the the logic to authenticate the incoming business request from the user’s browser. Below is the code of a sample Nest.js auth interceptor middleware to validate the incoming requests

export class SessionAuthInterceptor implements NestInterceptor {
  async intercept(context: ExecutionContext, next: CallHandler<any>): Promise<Observable<any>> {
    const req = context.switchToHttp().getRequest();
    const sessionId = req.headers[`x-session-id`];

    if (!sessionId) {
      throw new UnauthorizedException(`INVALID_SESSION`);

    const serverRequestId = await RedisClient.client.GET(sessionId);
    if (!serverRequestId) {
      throw new UnauthorizedException(`SESSION_TIME_OUT`);

    const requestId = req.headers['x-request-id'];
    if (!requestId) {
      throw new UnauthorizedException(`INVALID_REQUEST_ID`);

    const requestSequenceId = generateSHA256(serverRequestId);
    if (requestSequenceId !== requestId) {
      throw new UnauthorizedException('REQUEST_OUT_OF_SESSION');

    req.sessionId = sessionId;
    req.requestId = requestId;

    return next.handle();

  static UpdateSessionAfterRequest(request: any) {
    RedisClient.client.SET(request.sessionId, request.requestId, {
      EX: parseInt(configuration().SESSION_TIMEOUT),

In the above code, the intercept() is invoked automatically for every incoming request controller that is labelled with @UseInterceptors(SessionAuthInterceptor). The important thing to notice in this function is code below:

const requestSequenceId = generateSHA256(serverRequestId);
if (requestSequenceId !== requestId) {
  throw new UnauthorizedException('REQUEST_OUT_OF_SESSION');

The variable requestSequenceId is generated by doing SHA256() of sessionId key’s value stored in Redis, that we calculated and stored in Redis in the previous step. The Redis key name is sent in the request’s header.

Now, the most important part of the puzzle, i.e. how will the x-request-id sent from the browser by hashing latestRequestId and requestSequenceId obtained by hashing serverRequestId match?

Both the broswer and server has the same starting seed for calculating their SHA256() hashes i.e. the dto.userId + dto.clientId + For all the subsequent requests both client and server keeps hashing, updating and storing the next request hashes. Browser stores the next current request’s hash in cookies, and the server stores in Redis against the sessionId key.

Once validated this function sends attaches the reqeustId for the present request in the request and passes it to the service layer for further processing.

On successful processing of the request, the server updates the latest requestHash in Redis agains the sessionId represented by the request, by calling the function UpdateSessionAfterRequest() in above code snippet. This way, both browser and server always are in sync with the latest request’s id hash originating from an end user’s machine.

How does this Solution solve the original problem?

Now, if anyone copies the request cURL from the browser and

  1. try to hit your server from postman, it won’t work. Why?
    • simply because the outgoing request from Postman will not have the correct x-request-id parameter that the server is expecting.
  2. try to write a script to automate the reqeusts, it won’t work. Why?
    • again simply because the script is not using the same logic to generate the request headers and ``x-request-id` parameter is the header will be wrong.

So, yes this mechanism does solve the problem. If you want to see this in action and check if it really works, you can head over to this page, and check the network tab for the chatbot’s api calls.

Aditional thoughts

Here, I have used a very simple cryptographic validation algorithm i.e. SHA256() to authenticate the request. You can use any encryption mechanism as long as you manage to keep the browser and the server in sync with the requestId sequences.

If you have any questions regarding this approach please feel to reach out to me on any of my handles.